Focus Potion
Indications: Calls in clarity + support for focused attention + concentration. Helps with memory + meditation.
Suggested Use: ½ - 1 dropperful 1-3 x daily Ingredients: peach leaf, rhodiola, rosemary, spearmint, fluorite gem essence, brandy, everclear, maple syrup, spring water
Size: 1 oz. amber bottle with dropper top.
Indications: Calls in clarity + support for focused attention + concentration. Helps with memory + meditation.
Suggested Use: ½ - 1 dropperful 1-3 x daily Ingredients: peach leaf, rhodiola, rosemary, spearmint, fluorite gem essence, brandy, everclear, maple syrup, spring water
Size: 1 oz. amber bottle with dropper top.
Indications: Calls in clarity + support for focused attention + concentration. Helps with memory + meditation.
Suggested Use: ½ - 1 dropperful 1-3 x daily Ingredients: peach leaf, rhodiola, rosemary, spearmint, fluorite gem essence, brandy, everclear, maple syrup, spring water
Size: 1 oz. amber bottle with dropper top.